Finding time to examine your life daily is not often written in any planner or calendar because it feels too exhausting. You do not want to get to know your flaws, sins, and shortcomings. Discipline yourself to examine your daily habits opens your eyes and heart to see what should be a priority in your day, week, month, and eventually your entire life.
Let us examine our ways and test them,
and let us return to the Lord.
Lamentations 3:40
Choose to do a “Daily Examen of your day”
Pinpointing God Moments and recognizing things that moved you away from God and reflecting on how you can do better and be a better person to those around you.
Make a choice to do a “Weekly Check-Up” of yourself of the progress in these areas:
Church, Prayers, Bible Reading, Giving, and Fellowship
Consistent activity in these areas of your life will allow you to make better decisions in life and strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ.