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First Things First

ice storm, ice on branch, branch
It has been a very cold winter here in California.  As gas prices skyrocket, our family has made a conscious decision not to turn on the heater, no matter how cold it gets. Our gas bill normally is under $50, but due to the rise in gas, it has 3 times that amount; therefore, we opted to forgo having heat for now.  At first, it was hard to get used to the cold in the early morning and la...
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Blessing For The New Year

As December 31st comes around, there is quite the anticipation of what comes next, a brand new year.  A time to put away the Christmas decorations and start writing our new year resolutions.  For the rest of the world, December 31st looks something like this but for believers in Christ, Christmas is not over yet, our tree and decorations are still intact and lighting up our homes. ...
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Perfectly Loved

Birthday wishes always touch a special part of our heart.  We never think beyond receivng of gifts, gettinga year older and who has remembered us on our birthday.  The real gift is the gift of life we were given the day we were born.  To look back on the years we have been living, it is amazement how we are given hands to do the work we do, whether it is healing as ...
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